Tuesday 14 December 2010

Day 5

A Good Day, a progressive day. Sorted through the buttons... huh took me a good 2 hours to say the least going a bit bog- eyed and i managed to mix up a few of them too. Woo. (bit of a piss take if you ask me) Then shadowed Sally for the afternoon and made calls for quotes to get organising fashion show event on the roll. I like PA jobs makes me feel like I'm being usefull and my input is needed. Ta Sal :)

Sunday 12 December 2010

Day 4

The dreaded Saturday! - and it really was. I don't mind cleaning but when I am asked to do it after other people's mess and it takes me away from doing stuff I want to it's annoying. The only learning I gained from this day was interrupted to do cleaning or stand around looking like a lemon. Not a good day at work experience.

Friday 10 December 2010

Day 3

Sorted out the new stock for the shop as they were short on staff; just putting bar codes on the new beautiful women's shirts covered in the lush bug print- some are sheer and silk striped- which I may have to invest in!!! I love them! I spent the rest of the day with Gresh; setting me a brief for tie and t-shirt designs for a new range they are introducing. I walked round Brighton running errands which I quite enjoy funnily enough.

Today is Saturday; my first day in the shop, I will be getting paid for this :) yaaaaay but wow it's gonna be manic! Eeek gonna need some luck! x fingers......

Day 2

I did a stock take of the Men's casual suits and put them into a spreadsheet in edexcel - which was the first time I had used it in a good 4 years might I add! Everything tallied up correctly so was a good job i suppose. :) Then at the end of the day I helped Heather put together an order for delivery to a wholesaler.

Monday 6 December 2010

Day 1

I was introduced to everyone today and they're all so nice! My rota for the week is split up so I'm doing something different each day so that should keep it interesting. I was in the sewing room today helping with alterations on ready- to - wear and bespoke garments- which wear all menswear and wow was so nervous I'd screw things up and to add to it a very expensive felling machine stopped working! aaaaahhhh 3/4 of an hr later and managed to salvage it- somehow :S x fingers for the ladies tomorow that it works fully.

I was shown around the studio and the clothing ranges they offer; I want allllll of the womenswear! especially the bespoke! it's lush!

Gresham and Sally went out to do a photoshoot today at a celebrity clients; so can't wait to see what the shots are like. I really want to get involved in this.... hopefully soon I will

06/12/10 @ Gresham Blake

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Baby leotard!

Just a little something I found while browsing, and... I really want one! -in life-size of course so it actually fits me; this little leotard is so cute, I think I might have to crochet one... hmmm - I've posted the web page link too, the designer and creator is Shirley Bredal who creates baby wear primarily.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Work experience


I'm starting work experience next week and jeese I'm a little bit scared; just to share who I will be working with they design and make bespoke formal wear for the likes of Davina McCall, Gresham lake is a contemporary designer-tailor who creates lush designs and also designs his own fabrics with details such as his name within the pin stripe and awesome prints on ties and he is now branching out on a new venture to create tailored casual wear, including a denim range- so it's an uber cool idea and I'm well up for being in the zone in the midst of all this. Woooooo.

But. Still... A. Little. Scared.
: S

I will keep you posted

Sunday 21 November 2010

eeeee notes on mentality

eeeeeeeeeeeee!?!?!? only two weeks until the end of uni; one 'til the countdown of crimbo and starting the mad stint of work experience! Now that's some crazy shiz right there for ya! I'm so nervous, I think I may be eaten alive and maybe fed to the dogs; but hopefully maybe have fun in the process, and hay who says the dogs wouldn't be greatful for a little light lunch? :P

Work experience is to include the lovely works of Gresham Blake and his team and I'm hopefull for another to give me another outlook on this crazy industry, luck is deffinately needed!!

Taliho :)

Thursday 18 November 2010


Feeling a little bit home-sick these days; so I turned this song on and hope it's gonna be ok; I'll always love them and miss them unbelievably; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyue2N1XZ0M this song has to be shared xx

Monday 6 September 2010

How beautiful does this scene look?!? This photo was taken on our exit to Woburn Abbey this weekend; I love how the tree is climbing up the wall and the iron fence to the lefr of the door; aww it just looks so picturesque. :)

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Motivation- I have now officially started my summer project- allowing myself only 4 weeks to complete it and the rest of the stuff we have to do before we go back to uni :S eeek - silly much?!?! :P anyhows I have to do it and hope this might keep me to my word; the insentive is to get a good work placement; and of course to generally save face, bahaha :S whatevs.... now all I need is luck

x fingers, and toes ... and everything else ha
Just because it makes me smile; I have to share :) ha

Saturday 7 August 2010


... this final one resembling a tree and my mum also said it looks like a saddle horse- yay! impressive... :S ok ok so I think I need to get more fashion-y rather than so costume-y :(

I don't care I fookin' love these dresses! They are the my pride and joy- I will frame the painted dress one day I'm sure :)

These are some random pieces- I seem to get stuck on a concept and try to illustrate that idea rather than create fashion... eek

Wednesday 21 July 2010

You have to express yourself to stop the inevitable of going completey insane. I want to share some things and so here I begin...

"I reconstruct what I touch, what I see, what I dream, in an effort to prove to myself that I am in fact real." - Richard T. Scott