Thursday 10 February 2011

Researching up to my ears

just a follow up for my 20's research...

I think I chose the wrong proffession...

Photos by Martin Amm
Photos by Martin Amm

I found these images on this blog page, all photos are by Martin Amm a German nature photographer he is famous for his supermacro shots of insects like these little beauties covered in dew drops. :) Lovely

Monday 7 February 2011

Images for thought...

just sourcing images from google searches and blog pages; http://http//

Coco Chanel Designs

Coco Chanel Designs researching...

Whipper schnapping...

Huh, time to crack the whip- sadly no literally ;P...

To do list:-
1. Sew up garments from previous project - means starting and 3 new ones and completing a fourth. 2 are already done and dusted
2. Complete a full burting at the seams A3 sketchbook for the current project brief based on historical design with a main theme of textile applications- knit, print and embroidery/ adornment.

My new project is influenced by the lovely and typically lizzy styled 1920's fashion design; typically me as it's renowned for it's adrogynous shapes and flattened silhouettes. I intend to focus on the bases for this flattening- the girdles and constraints of the womenswear and little chemises. For this instance I want to bring in my old love for womenswear as I am majorly struggling in Menswear design as I'm constantly told for over-designing- MY.ACTUAL.BAD. and want to try and do nice, flattering menswear but also innovative. GOOD.LUCK.TO.ME. :P

Thursday 20 January 2011

9 days left and it's going to be intense..... wk exp

I have just over a week left of my work placement and actually think i'm going to miss it! or shall i say the people. I have learnt a lot over these few weeks- I can't really put my finger on what that is but I have. Running a business and keeping on top oof things is insane! I have no idea how they do it. There are so many different things that go on and it's hectic as hell! The girls in the office work so hard and seem to never stop; especially Sally our PA; wait, no all of them are the same!

I have learned more about excell, considering I hadn't used it since I was 15 up until now and manage to get through is a comforting thing to know, and Sally showed me a few tips today which was nice of her as she took time out of her crazy little world to do so. I felt appreciated, a little more.

I also have done some accounting for Fal, sorting out reciepts for her to reclaim the VAT from petty cash purchases. I helped with shop merchandising, stock takes, I have sewn up a fur collar for Gresham, which is to to be used in a meeting with Harvey Nichs, to discuss a concession for Gresham Blake and a new range of ready- to- wear clothing, featuring moleskine trousers, selvedge denim and the likes of. He has also given me an insight into his other little projects and I can't wait to see the outcomes. :)

I am to sew up a lenggth of fabric for a project Gresham is working on with John Link, an illustrator; and I will probably explain more at a later date when it's all finished!

eeee excited for this next week so much but maaaaan it's going to be imense, manic darn right difficult! ha, wish me luck :S

eeeeeee 7 days :) a lalalaa

hehe very nearly 21 and really looking forward to the celebrations and shinanigans! it will all begin with the mustaches! ;p .... sings "duda dudu duda ludududu da's the final countdown!!"